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My name is Jerry Foster. I’m an industrial designer who specializes in merchandising design and product development. Have a look around. If you need creative help on a project, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

3 Rapid Ideation Sketches on a Theme

3 Rapid Ideation Sketches on a Theme

Sometimes the ideas are a lot more important than a glossy photorealistic presentation. That was the case when I created these concepts for a client back in 2013. They wanted to attract attention by incorporating some theater into a mass display of their coffee liqueur. I made a rough 3D model in Cinema 4D of the product to scale and rendered an underlay in black and white (for me, faster than drawing it), then brought it into Autodesk Sketchbook on a Wacom tablet and did some color sketching on top of the line drawing. A few quick notations and the client got three clear options very quickly.

7 Wine Displays that are Custom "Maid" for Retail Success

7 Wine Displays that are Custom "Maid" for Retail Success

When a Logo Inspires Structure

When a Logo Inspires Structure