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My name is Jerry Foster. I’m an industrial designer who specializes in merchandising design and product development. Have a look around. If you need creative help on a project, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

7 Wine Displays that are Custom "Maid" for Retail Success

7 Wine Displays that are Custom "Maid" for Retail Success

This wine brand provides almost endless creative possibilities. Because it has a playful, bold and well-developed identity, working on it was almost like designing an attraction for a theme park. We explored a wide range of options for these wine displays, and we could have done a lot more. A couple of them were rolled out with great success at major retailers nationwide, and one of them even won a POPAI Gold Award that year. Special thanks to Reed Crawford.

Spooky Hallow...Wine?

Spooky Hallow...Wine?

3 Rapid Ideation Sketches on a Theme

3 Rapid Ideation Sketches on a Theme