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My name is Jerry Foster. I’m an industrial designer who specializes in merchandising design and product development. Have a look around. If you need creative help on a project, I’d be delighted to hear from you.

When a Logo Inspires Structure

When a Logo Inspires Structure

A brand can sometimes provide an almost literal inspiration for the physical structure of a display. That was the case for this wine display we created several years ago. Figuring out how to support the weight of the product in a fun and sculptural way can be a challenge, but it’s very rewarding when it finally comes together. Wine bottles are heavy, so it takes some creativity to present them to the consumer in a way that isn’t visually bulky.

3 Rapid Ideation Sketches on a Theme

3 Rapid Ideation Sketches on a Theme

Putting Some Thrill In Your Grill

Putting Some Thrill In Your Grill